1:1 Healing & Channeling
1:1 distance sessions that are available to book separately or on a regular basis, such as each month, in order to gain focused soul work within each structure of work.
The Mahatma Energy & The 12 Rays of Light
1:1 Distance Healing Session and Channeling/Reading
2h € 135
1:1 distance healing session with The Mahatma Energy and The 12 Rays of Light
2 hour session - 1 hour healing and written reading/channeling, and 1 hour session over Face Time to go through the information given.
You will receive your reading to your email after the session.
In these sessions we work with vibrational work or healing with The Mahatma Energy and The 12 Rays of Light, and with a written channeling from The Mahatma and the Ascended Masters of the Ashrams of The 12 Rays of Light. After the healing and channeling is made, we will go through the information given during a distance session, where the client may ask questions and receive guidance on how to apply the information to their everyday life, and also to go through any information given in the channeling regarding universal laws and structures, esoteric terms etc.
These sessions are sessions of clarity and truth, holding all light aspects that are to be gained by humans within earthly realms, through their actual education or path of earthly expansion. In these sessions we start with the aspects needed for each human to gain the highest light aspects possible from where they stand. Everyone on all levels are welcome to these sessions, and their purpose is this:
To provide the strongest work of clearing possible, within the lowest realms or bodies within each session, so that each student or client attending gains their highest level or space of light possible, in each time of work or session. Then, to provide clear information about where they stand in their current situation or place of now - to give information of where there are blocks in their current connections and why, how these blocks express themselves and what effect they have in their physical lives. We also look at each client's clearest step forward, and give the keys to moving forward into the highest space or level of light at each time or session, and we bring guidance to each client's clearest step of light, according to their current work of light or task, or movement in their greater plan of earthly evolution, what is called the Divine Plan of each soul.
These sessions are the clear, vibrational work on the highest level possible, and with all possible vibrations or aspects of light reachable within earth. This brings forth a strong and clear work of clearing and of light, releasing pain, fear and blocked connections in the lower realms or bodies, held in physical realms of earthly light.
Clearing these lower realms or bodies brings forth new aspects of truth - it makes us step into our next clear level of clarity, clear manifestation and wellbeing in all of our presence and experience, but is also brings forth the next, clear step of truth in our eternal, clear plan of our soul's purpose.
So these sessions are both the session of clearing and of wellbeing in our physical life and experience, as well as stepping into the next clear step of our soul's greater plan of truth, no matter where we stand.
When the time is right, we will start to build the clear connections of light into our heart's expansion, or the stepping into being within our heart's center or chakra. Later, these sessions will connect each client to their level of truth - to their soul level soul's presence or causal body, through this clear work of light.
These sessions are available to book on a regular basis, such as each month in order to gain focused soul work, or occasionally, as a tool to clear blocks and receive guidance about the highest path forward and your clear task or mission of now.
The Mahatma Energy is a clear vibration solely focused on bringing beings and evolution into their next clear step. This is the only purpose, and all work always holds this: the completely clear connection of that being's own soul or god-presence, and within this held connection the next step of their divine evolution or plan will appear. This means that with each connection to this vibration, each being will step into their next level of consciousness and their clear path will appear. Then, with the next encounter, again the next step will appear, and so on. So each time we make this clear connection, within the clear levels of this work, a being's evolution is accelerated into the highest level reachable in that time or presence. This also means that beings of clear want of clear work of light, hold no restrictions in becoming beings of the highest level of their step of consciousness or dimension.
This work is clear work of the path to soul existence, enhancing rapidly the being's presence and their vibrational field into the highest levels of consciousness reachable at that moment and of their presence and purpose in that specific time or incarnation. In other words: each encounter or time spent within this clear work brings a being into their soul connection, and continuously into the next level of that until the earth's path is clearly fulfilled. This is the structure and purpose of this work.
Working with this energy also has a strong positive impact on the earth and her vibrational frequency, and on the evolution of Light of all.
The 12 Rays of Light are the aspects of godly light vibration reachable from the levels of earth.
The realms of earth are this: it is the 7 Rays of Light holding all earthly expansion, vibration, education and origin or belonging of all beings within these levels. They are also the path of evolution or education held or walked through by all beings and evolution within these realms. They are all of the earthly fields and all clear evolution and knowledge within these fields. Therefore working with the 7 Rays is essential, crucial even, for all clear evolution. These Rays, and the levels of expansion they hold, are the required, mandatory fields of knowledge and expansion for all souls and beings within the path of earthly evolution. They are required, and their evolution is the expansion of all within these fields of earth.
The higher Rays above the 7 Rays, in this case the Rays 8-12, are not mandatory. They are not required within a human's evolution into soul existence or conclusion - ascension - of the school of earth. But they are highly beneficial in their presence, and in making this connection their higher fields of light and their held clear qualities of the levels just above physical earth existence, hold the potential of becoming more or above, within our inner field's vibration while still in earthly fields. Their clear knowledge will bring more light and godly potential into our space. Enhancing both our clear experience of light and our connection to all earthly fields, as well as the clear connected clarity of structures beyond that.
They are the godly light vibrations just beyond our fields of earth. And when worked with clearly, they enhance just that - our own held light vibrations of the levels just beyond earth. And these connections bring a flood of light, enhancing all of our clear evolution and expansion of the levels below.
1:1 Free Consultation
15 min Free of charge
For new clients only.
This session is a distance session. It is an open space to get more clarification and to ask questions and to get more insight regarding this work.
The Esoteric Tradition
The Esoteric tradition is the clear, inner work of the soul, holding the clear core of knowledge, steps, connections and techniques present within all spiritual and religious traditions of earth.
They, and their vibrational evolution, as a result of their clear practice, are all held within this area or tradition, or focus of building a spiritual connection within ourselves, and to go through the steps of its evolution within our very being and now connected consciousness, as a clear direction of each new step.
It is the work of connecting to our very own soul - clearly - through an education made through this very own soul connection, as it develops and opens with each step. Each step brings forth new directions, knowledge and insight given to us from our soul.
It is the tradition of all religions, all spiritual focus, and of the Ascended Masters, who practiced all these areas of focus and all their steps and now are complete within this level of beingness. Here, all teachings are presented as one, since that is what they are, and since that is what they lead to - the oneness, unity, of us and our soul, and of us and this planet, and of all of us of the core of this creation. And therefore also with all it holds.
It is an inner made, clear education, given to us from our very own soul presence, with the assistance from the clear levels and beings of light of the realms of this planet.